Gostujoče predavanje prof. dr. Abdelrazeka Elnaggerja

Oddelek za filozofijo in Oddelek za sociologijo FF vabita na gostujoče predavanje prof. dr. Abdelrazeka Elnaggerja (Univerza Ain Shams) z naslovom Samostan Sv. Abe Makarija v Fajumu (Egipt): zgodovina, izzivi in možnosti za zaščito kulturne dediščine, ki bo potekalo v četrtek, 13. 4. 2023, ob 15.30 (pred. 325). Predavanje bo v angleškem jeziku. Lepo vabljeni!

Povzetek predavanja (v angleškem jeziku)

Egypt possesses unique natural and cultural heritage with universal interest, especially in Fayoum territory. This type of heritage represents the Egyptian identities and stands as evidence of the religious tolerance which Egypt has been endowed with for so long. Saint Abu Macarius monastery is one of the neglected Coptic heritage sites in Egypt. The site has outstanding historical, spiritual, religious, aesthetic, natural and archaeological values which need to be well documented and preserved as part of a sustainable site management plan. In this lecture, the history, cultural values and challenges of Saint Abu Macarius monastery, as a part of a protected area of natural heritage, will be presented with a design of an appropriate management plan as a means of ensuring long term effective protection of the site.


Department of Translation Studies, Department of Slovene Studies, Faculty of Arts

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