Theory and Practice of Translation

Theory and Practice of Translation

Lectures: 0

Seminars: 0

Tutorials: 60

ECTS credit: 6

Lecturer(s): asist. Kosec Maja Maria, izr. prof. dr. Sernelj Tea

Through the translation process, students become acquainted with translation theory and basic translation tools; they discover, examine closely and compare the fundamental differences between Chinese and Slovene language, i.e. between the two linguistic-cultural systems, and in this way, are becoming aware of their particularities in practice; translation itself is a progressive process from shorter, simpler to longer, more demanding texts like Chinese anecdotes, proverbs, fables, fairy tales ect.

Jana S. Rošker, Sodobna teoretska kitajščina na področju humanistike in družboslovja, Univerza v Ljubljani, FF, 2008 COBISS.SI-ID - 237671424