Methods of Adult Education

Methods of Adult Education

Lectures: 30

Seminars: 30

Tutorials: 15

ECTS credit: 7

Lecturer(s): asist. Pelicon Sara, izr. prof. dr. Radovan Marko

• Basic concepts, planning, programming, form, method, technique in adult education.
• Different classifications of forms and methods of adult education.
• The importance of learning climate for successful adult learning
• The use of ICT in adult education.
• Planning distance education.
• The role of the tutor in distance education
• Project method of education.
• Role-play method and role-play variations.
• Discussion and discussion variants.
• Case method, characteristics, and stages of case preparation.
• Problem-based learning.
• Simulation in adult education and role-play.
• Workshop, conference, seminar, and other forms of mass adult learning

• Brečko, D. (2002). Štirideset sodobnih učnih metod. Sofos, Ljubljana. (str. 7-139)ID=120944896
• Bregar, L., Zagmajster, M. in Radovan, M. (2020). E-izobraževanje za digitalno družbo. Ljubljana: Andragoški center Slovenije. (str. 75-94 in 171-186)…
• Conti, G. J in Kolody, R. C. (2004). Guidelines for selecting methods and techniques. V M. W. Galbraith (ur.), Adult learning methods: A guide for effective instruction (str. 181–192). Malabar, Florida: Krieger Publishing.ID=1182054
• Henry, J (1994). Teaching Through Projects. Kogan Page, London. (str. 11-153)ID=1029730
• Mijoč, N. (1997). Metoda primera in njena uporaba v izobraževanju odraslih. Vzgoja in izobraževanje, št. 1, str. 9-14.ID=1131780
• Radovan, M. (2020). Psihosocialno učno okolje in vpliv na učenje (študijsko gradivo)

Important articles from domestic and foreign literature available in libraries and on the Internet.