Analyses of Materials
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Črešnar Matija, izr. prof. dr. Rogan Šmuc Nastja, prof. dr. Levanič Tomislav
Mineralogical, metalographic, chemical, and physical methods with the help of which mineral and chemical composition, structure, and characteristics of archaeological mineral, metal, and organic materials are determined: optical microscopy, SEM, EDX, DTA, AAS, NAA, ICPAES, ICP-MS, XRF, PIXE, IRS, RSS, NMR.
• Mineralogical macro- and microscopic analyses of stone artefacts.
• Characteristics and characterisation of archaeological pottery: raw material, additives, granulation, firing temperature, mineral composition, microstructure of a shard, deposits of raw clay in Slovenia, surface processing of a shard: engobes, glazes.
• Historic plasters and mortars: binders, aggregates, organic additives, technology of making binders and plasters, dating.
• Inorganic pigments: their identification.
• Glass artefacts: choice of raw material, technology of making.
• Statistical processing of analyses results, statistical methods.
• Archaeological metal objects: metals and alloys, outline of early mining in Europe, basics of certain ore extraction (copper, lead, silver, iron) and procedures of their processing into metal.
• Chemical composition of organic materials.
• Correlating between material characteristics of objects and their archaeological classification (chronological and cultural).
• Dendrochronology – dating of wood and wooden objects and its use in archaeology: tree-ring density measurements (densitometry) or density of early and late wood, isotopic composition (carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen) of a tree-ring or of early and late wood.
RICE, P.M.,1987, Pottery analysis, Chicago, 559 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 57903
RAPP, G., 2009, Archaeomineralogy, Berlin, 361 str. https://link-springer-com.nukweb.nuk.uni-lj.si/book/10.1007/978-3-540-7…
GOLDBERG, P., MACPHAIL, R. I., 2022, Practical and Theoretical Geoarchaeology, Blackwell, 687 str. COBISS ID=159664131
TRAMPUŽ OREL, N., Arheometalurške raziskave v Sloveniji: zgodovina raziskav prazgodovinskih barvnih kovin. Arheološki vestnik 50, 1999, str. 407-429. COBISS.SI-ID - 6431490
SCHWEINGRUBER, F. H., 1990. Anatomie europaeischer Hoelzer. - Anatomy of European woods.- Bern, Stutgart, Haupt, 800 str. COBISS ID=1179273
STOKES, M. A. and SMILEY, T. L., 1996. An Introduction to Tree-Ring Dating. - Tucson, The University of Arizona Press. COBISS ID=1035145
NEWSOM, L. A., 2022. Wood in archaeology.- Cambridge University Press, 332 str. COBISS ID=165881091
Priporočena literatura:
SCHWEINGRUBER, F. H., 1989. Tree rings: basics and applications of dendrochronology.- Dordrecht, Boston, London, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 276 str.