Ethnology, Rituals, Habits
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): asist. dr. Zavratnik Veronika, izr. prof. dr. Habinc Mateja
Lectures focus on customs and habits, holidays, festivals and generally on past as well as contemporary ritual practices in Slovenia. They offer insight into an already collected material, through which selected aspects of the past as well as contemporary social culture and ways of life are outlined. Material about the past offers an opportunity of an insight, comparison and understanding of contemporary holidays and various ritual practices in Slovenia. The lectures therefore focus also on the applied aspects of ethnological and cultural anthropological work, while generally the presented material and its interpretation is put in the historical and social context of ethnology and cultural anthropology in Slovenia and the study of ritual practices in general.
At the practicum students are supposed to use the knowledge from the lectures and contribute an in-depth analysis of selected case-studies of contemporary ritual practices in Slovenia. They collect material, analyse it and think about possible ways of its interpretation.
1. Boris Orel, Slovenski ljudski običaji. V: Rajko Ložar, ur., Narodopisje Slovencev 1. Ljubljana 1944: Klas, str. 263−349. [COBISS.SI-ID - 30986497]
2. Niko Kuret, Navada in šega. Traditiones let. 3, 1974, str. 69−80. [COBISS.SI-ID - 11859501]
3. Jurij Fikfak, Pogledi na ritualnost in ritualne prakse na Slovenskem. Traditiones let. 37, št. 2, 2008, str. 4559. [COBISS.SI-ID - 29526061]; URN:NBN:SI:DOC-GGEF5Q8E
4. Janez Bogataj, Uvod. V: Janez Bogataj, Slovenija praznuje: Sodobne šege in navade na Slovenskem. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga 2011, str. 11−15. [COBISS.SI-ID - 257671168]
5. Nena Židov, Nesnovna kulturna dediščina Slovenije: Dileme v zvezi z njenim varovanjem v luči Unescove konvencije. V: Tatjana Dolžan Eržen, Ingrid Slavec Gradišnik in Nadja Valentinčič Furlan, ur., Interpretacije dediščine. Ljubljana 2014: Slovensko etnološko društvo, str. 150–161. [COBISS.SI-ID - 275968512]
6. Valdimar Tr. Hafstein, Intangible Heritage as a Festival; or, Folklorization Revisited. The Journal of American Folklore let. 131, št. 520, 2018, str. 127–149. [COBISS.SI-ID - 518409497]; https://doi.org/10.5406/jamerfolk.131.520.0127
7. Elizabeth M. Zechenter, In the Name of Culture: Cultural Relativism and the Abuse of the Individual. Journal of Anthropological Research let. 53, št. 3, 1997, str. 319–347. [COBISS.SI-ID - 525155865]; https://www.jstor.org/stable/3630957
8. Catherine Bell, Ritual: Perspectives and Dimensions. New York in Oxford 1997: Oxford University Press. [COBISS.SI-ID - 8296546]
9. Jan A. M. Snoek, Defining Rituals. V: Jens Kreinath, Jan Snoek in Michael Stausberg, ur., Theorising Rituals: Issues, Topics, Approaches, Concepts. Leiden in Boston 2008: Brill, str. 314. [COBISS.SI-ID - 28887341]